In the COVID quarantine we have become comfortable with tele-meetings, tele-family gatherings, tele-school and tele-everything else. We socialize via video chats all the time now. We have celebrated major milestones this way and, tragically, said good ...
What is Emotional Abuse?
Emotional Abuse.You have heard the term used in discussions about relationships. You think you know what it means.However, you have a situation in mind where it is sort of borderline. Maybe it's abuse? Maybe it's just inappropriate behavior t ...
Get to know your partner better
It seems odd to say about the person you have been spending all your free time with for several weeks, or maybe months. But you could likely get to know that person even better than you do now.It doesn’t matter that you think you know them better than ...
Disrupt the Cycle of Toxic Family Traits
We are all able to easily recall things our parents did that made us angry. We can hear echoes of our parents’ voices in the words we say to our own children.And we naturally fear that we are going to make some of the same mistakes they did.Every ...